Passive Prefab Studio - New South Wales
Passive Prefab is a Construction Company building Prefabricated homes in a workshop facility in the Hunter Valley NSW. Our homes offer ultimate levels of health, comfort and energy efficiency. Passive Prefab is a collaboration between award-winning Passive House certified Architect, Steele Olney of Studio Dot and local Passive House prefab builder, Evan Graham Master Builder.
Steele Olney is the director of Studio Dot Architecture & Interiors. He has a particular interest in creating residential dwellings that perform well thermally, provide a healthy internal environment and are of architectural interest. He is a registered architect and Certified Passive House Designer.
Evan Graham has been building for 27 years and has completed all manner of projects, primarily Architect designed residential ones. In 2017 Evan began his Passive House journey and has been on a mission to build better buildings ever since. This pathway quickly led to the off-site prefabrication approach and then also to additional studies on the impacts of the built environment to human health. The Passive Prefab Pod is the culmination of all these elements, together with exemplary architectural design, and is our vision for the future of truly sustainable housing.
Prize: 2 x night stay for 2 x people
Value: $500