The Short Stories of Tildy


Tildy’s Stories emerged from a place of infinite love and unbearable pain. Tildy was the much loved corgi of an immensely brave and brilliant little girl named Peta. After being diagnosed with cancer at just eleven, Peta was often found with Tildy in toe. During her treatment, Peta began to write stories about the adventures of Tildy as she was also a regular on the oncology ward.

Since Peta’s passing, her mum Kate has shared Tildy’s Stories with us all. Working with renowned artist Kay Smith to bring Peta’s storytelling to life. Which has led Kate to not only share the beautiful legacy of Peta, but to also raise much needed funds and awareness for children's brain cancer.

Filled with gorgeous illustrations, charming storyline and many fun facts about dogs, the book ‘Tildy’s Sausage Sensation’ is now available for purchase. With all profits to be shared between the Children's Cancer Institute and the Children's Brain Cancer Centre (funded by the Children's Hospital Foundation) Tildy’s Stories are a great addition to any young ones library.

This beautifully collated, quality children's book has been created with six to eleven year old children in mind but can be enjoyed by all ages and reading abilities. With themes throughout the book designed to spark interest and provoke thought, every page is imbued with love, honesty and tenderness. (at)theshortstoriesoftildy

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